Monday, August 20, 2007

First Day Of School

It was Lily's first day of school today, no tears just excitement. She woke up at 6.30am and when I whispered in her ear that it was a school day a big smile found her face and she started singing a cute made up song about meeting Max at school! We have to be out of the house for 7.30am which I can only hope gets easier. Little worried that she refuses to eat breakfast that early, but packed enough lunch! Go Lily! What a big girl you are now :)


Margaret & Arthur said...

Fantastic. The slide show is a great idea and we really felt we were sharing this experience. hoope the whole thing was as calm as it looked. Have a great time at school Lily. x

Karen Tews Lien said...

I loved the slide show. How fun for Lily and Max to go to the same school. Thanks for the photos B

Anonymous said...

Oh she is such a big girl now. I'm pleased to see that you bought her proper Clarkes shoes with the rounded toe! No fashion shoes for little girls! Thank you for the pics babe X

Sue Tews said...

Oh my gosh, how cute is this. I love the slide show. She looks so cute and Max, what a cutie. Give her big hugs and kisses from us.

Jules said...

Wow- our little girl is growing up fast. Love the pics and Lily looks so cool- she's looking like she's going to have a fun time- lots of love xx