Monday, August 27, 2007

Catholic School

Lily is loving Catholic school more than I could have ever imagined......don't get me wrong I am all for religion of any kind and she was christened Church of England. In English schools all children are taught a little about all religions, so that they have a basic understanding and tolerance, which I think is an awesome way to approach spirituality.

So the adjustment here is all mine, getting to grips with a religion that I am not part of and being able to understand what Lily is talking about half the time! She sits holding the gold cross necklace that she got from Gram for her birthday and has not taken off since.... and plays with it like an old lady with a rosary!

Friday night we were ready for bed and had just said her 'prayers' (she puts her hands together and we say goodnight to all the people we love). Then she did something that completely floored me......She crossed herself. Lily! It was cute and I asked her to explain to me what she was doing... she just laughed and did it again!!

Eventually she touched her head and said "the father", then paused and touched her belly and had obviously completely forgotten what came next! I waited and she blurted out "the sister!" then she quickly touched each shoulder and said "the Gram and the Papa!"

She is so cute! Of course we had to call Gram and tell her straight away :)


Sue Tews said...

I have told that story so many times, it's just so precious. Thank you for sharing it with us all. She is a peach.

Gram and Papa

Karen Tews Lien said...

Oh my! This is so sweet! It made me cry. Lily is the most amazing little girl in the whole wide world!

Auntie Karen