Monday, August 27, 2007

Lily Quotes

So everyone in Lily's class on Friday got assigned a "big brother/big sister" from 7th grade. This person will be with them for the year and every time there is a school function, they are responsible for taking them around and looking after them. They also are the people that they are to sit with in church every Thursday. Some of them even come in and read to the children. Its actually a really good system. If they don't like the person they were assigned they can change them so on Friday when Lily got home I wanted to find out....
"Did you like your big sister Lily?"
" Well....... I did, but they don't let you bring them home!" She said all pissed off!!


Margaret & Arthur said...

You would think the school would let them take their sister home. I hope Lily's sister is someone who will appreciate just how lucky she is.

Belinda and Lily Kai said...

i actually feel kind of sorry for her....lily thinks she adopted her for life :)
Oh.... and she has asked for 2 brothers, immediately I told he that she has Marley and Guiness but no she said real babies :P

Sue Tews said...

She is such an amazing child. I am so happy you are able to post her saying and then archive them forever. How we love that child.
Gram and Papa

Karen Tews Lien said...

I agree Mom - keep posting her quotes and funny sayings. It will be great for you to have as a keepsake and use for your scrapbooking!