Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Full Moon

Kelly is maybe just realising what he has taken on with Lily and I :)
The full moon last night was so big and beautiful
that Lily and I just had to howl at it, a few times!!
It was a precious moment of madness.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Catholic School

Lily is loving Catholic school more than I could have ever imagined......don't get me wrong I am all for religion of any kind and she was christened Church of England. In English schools all children are taught a little about all religions, so that they have a basic understanding and tolerance, which I think is an awesome way to approach spirituality.

So the adjustment here is all mine, getting to grips with a religion that I am not part of and being able to understand what Lily is talking about half the time! She sits holding the gold cross necklace that she got from Gram for her birthday and has not taken off since.... and plays with it like an old lady with a rosary!

Friday night we were ready for bed and had just said her 'prayers' (she puts her hands together and we say goodnight to all the people we love). Then she did something that completely floored me......She crossed herself. Lily! It was cute and I asked her to explain to me what she was doing... she just laughed and did it again!!

Eventually she touched her head and said "the father", then paused and touched her belly and had obviously completely forgotten what came next! I waited and she blurted out "the sister!" then she quickly touched each shoulder and said "the Gram and the Papa!"

She is so cute! Of course we had to call Gram and tell her straight away :)

Lily Quotes

So everyone in Lily's class on Friday got assigned a "big brother/big sister" from 7th grade. This person will be with them for the year and every time there is a school function, they are responsible for taking them around and looking after them. They also are the people that they are to sit with in church every Thursday. Some of them even come in and read to the children. Its actually a really good system. If they don't like the person they were assigned they can change them so on Friday when Lily got home I wanted to find out....
"Did you like your big sister Lily?"
" Well....... I did, but they don't let you bring them home!" She said all pissed off!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Lily Quotes

Question - Lily what was your favourite thing about the first day of school?
Answer - "LUNCH!"

Monday, August 20, 2007

First Day Of School

It was Lily's first day of school today, no tears just excitement. She woke up at 6.30am and when I whispered in her ear that it was a school day a big smile found her face and she started singing a cute made up song about meeting Max at school! We have to be out of the house for 7.30am which I can only hope gets easier. Little worried that she refuses to eat breakfast that early, but packed enough lunch! Go Lily! What a big girl you are now :)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

My favourite thing to do with Lily!

Watching The Sunrise

OK, so its not an every day occurrence, but we have had the pleasure of watching the sun rise together on about 5 occasions now, and each time is as precious as the last. Lily loves the waiting to see the first sight of the sun, and all the different colors the sky becomes on its journey. She loves seeing the full circle appear and move its way into the sky and hearing the birds as they begin their day. Normally we drive to the beach in our PJ's and shout to the sun to come up.... but this morning in Stiltsville we were able to sit calmly on the deck and cuddle as the morning started.


We just got back from an over night trip out to Stiltsville, and as always it didn't disappoint. No matter how stressed out you are, a short boat ride to our favourite house is all it takes to blow away those cobwebs!

Stiltsville is a group of houses in Key Biscayne about 7 miles off the shore of Miami. They have a great heritage and now is part of a national park so very few people get to go experience this magical place.

Kelly belongs to a wonderful club called The Miami Springs Power Boat Club, and this is their clubhouse. There are 75 members that can bring whoever they choose out here at any time. Lily's friend Kacey's dad is also in the process of becoming a member so this weekend we met Russ and Toby and Kacey out there, and took along Lily's friend Max and his parents Moira and Charles for their first Stiltsville experience.

We camped out over night and spent all our time fishing for snapper and swimming in the ocean. We slept out under the stars and watched a quite terrific thunderstorm off in the distance (thankfully!)

Monday, August 6, 2007

Ever thought of hiring a Rottie as a babysitter?

I am sure most of you haven't! But read on....

Our new puppy is a Rottie mix, Guinness, and is about 12 weeks old now. He is the most calm and placid puppy ever and we have been certainly enjoying the small influence he has placed over Marley!

During Lily's birthday party I was lucky enough to witness the most amazing thing. Our friends Steve and Suzi placed their daughter down on a towel on the grass for a nap. It was off to one side so that she didn't get trampled on by the pirates.

The next time we all turned around, there was Guinness. Of course my heart jumped into my throat - what if he trod on her with his big paws and scratched her.... but he just sat down next to her, put his paw onto her arm and looked out for her while she slept.

It really was the sweetest thing I had ever seen. What a guard dog he will be!!

The best Pirate party ever!

Saturday August 4th at 11am .........until well as it turned out about 8.30pm! Who knew a four year old birthday party would last that long!! Thank goodness for frozen burgers and sausages!!

It really was the best birthday party I could have ever imagined throwing for Lily and she has been talking about nothing else ever since. When we talked about her birthday a few months ago she told me exactly what she would like for her party, and as it was really the first party she has had with her own friends there, we delivered.

It was pirate themed and at Lily's request anyone not dressed like a pirate would be made to walk the plank! She had a pirate ship birthday cake, a pirate bounce house, and lots of pirate arts and crafts!

There were just under 40 people in all, and some of the costumes were very inventive! With the whole family award going to the Sue Prices family! Even the 3-6 month old babies that were there were in pirate onesies!

And Lily was blessed to have her Daddy, Amity, Gram & Papa there also, so we could all share this special day with her together alongside Kelly and his family.

Check out the pictures to the right! And a big thank you to everyone for making it such a special day!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Lily Quotes

I spoke to Lily on the phone last night, I said "I hope you are being good for your daddy" to which she replied,
"Mommy I was trying hard......but I just can't!"

What a crack up - Mike said she is being great so I have no idea where this came from :)

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Introducing the new love of my life.....

I am feeling a little melancholy today. There are so many reasons why I miss living at home. Home to me will always be England. I left to go travelling after university and am so glad I did. Not everyone gets to experience the world before settling down. But I think I always thought in the back of my mind that someday I would wind up back there.....with the people that mean so much to me.

Through the path my life took though here I am living in Florida. Just for now - I used to think. But with more certainty America, for the distant future. Not my choice but certainly a more manageable one than a year ago. So why am I sat here staring at my computer not working and dreaming about "home"....

Archie Beaumont.

He is the most adorable baby, that should I still be living in the UK I would undoubtedly be spending much of my spare time cooing over. One of my oldest and dearest friends Mandy gave birth to her and Noels first baby. It was their wedding we went to last time we were home. I feel like I am missing out on being the best Aunty ever and wish I could just hold him and kiss his head, and whisper in his ear about all the mischief we will get into!

In the past when I have been home I felt a little out of place as everyone elses lives had evolved without me. And in return they too knew very little of my everyday goings on. Its a weird feeling to be a visitor where you were once so rooted. Thank goodness we live in the age of email, webcams and Skype. I will be setting up my skype account this weekend - and hope to watch Archie, and any other little ones that may appear, grow up.

See you in September Archie!

Lily Kai's 4th Birthday!

For all of those that remembered Lily's birthday a big THANK YOU! If you haven't heard back from us yet it really is because we are waiting until Saturday. Lily is having her pirate party on the 4th and so yesterday she didn't really get that it was her birthday.

In the morning when I told her she just asked me,
"If it is my birthday where are the balloons, where is the pirate cake, and where are the people!"

So she came in to have lunch with us in the office, Terry brought her some balloons and we had a little cake!

When Mike showed up in the evening I think she had begun to feel a little more "birthday girl" but I will make sure she touches base with everyone on Saturday!!

Lily and Max

Lily has a new best friend - Max. He is her age and this year they will both be in Pre-K4 together. Since meeting a few months ago they have been inseparable and have been attending summer camp together. Moira his mum lives one street over from Sandy so I really don't know why it took us so long to meet, especially when so many of our friends are the same, and Mike has known Max's dad Charles for years!

Both being only children they really seem to have bonded very strongly with each other, first introducing themselves to others as best friends, then cousins...... and more recently brother and sister. Its hard for us to explain to the new school that they are actually not related in the slightest, especially as they each have an English parent!

Lily went last week for a summer visit to Gram and Papas in Okeechobee. I dropped her off on the Saturday and by Monday had a phone call letting me know how upset Max was that Lily didn't take him to Grandmas!?!

So on the next Saturday when Kelly and I drove to get her, we took Max along as a surprise! I wish I had captured Lily's face when she saw him, it was priceless. We joined them at a Rodeo (check out Gram and Papas blog for more info on that), which the kids just loved. They each got little lassos to practise with....... and I am still not quite sure how me made it home in the car in one piece. "Not around her neck Max....!" is still ringing in my ears!