Aunty Sandy and Luke took Lily away for the weekend to Disney.... YEAH! Well..... for most kids it would be the trip of a lifetime but Lily actually hates the whole people dressed up like animals thing, and gets quite upset. We were very proud of her though as she hung in there and hung out with the other kids.
She had a fabulous time with Sandy and Luke's nephews and niece, and has been talking about it non stop. Her favourite part of course was Sea World, and I can't wait to take her back one day. I guess she is just not the "princess" kind of gal!
Lily is a very lucky girl. It is great that she could have such a good weekend.
Oh, Lily, you are such a funny bumpkin. No fancy princesses for you, that's for sure. We are so happy you had such a good time with Aunty Sandy and Luke.
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