Monday, October 15, 2007


I am sorry for not writing for a while. Things have been crazy since we got back from England. This weekend was my first bit of breathing space and I have spent it at the pub watching the Rugby World Cup !! England are the champions from the last world cup but nobody really expected us to make it to the final as our team hasn't been strong for the last couple of years. Which really makes it even sweeter that we made it to the final against South Africa next Saturday! Terry (South African) and I are very excited, we have our team T-shirts ready and are looking forward to a good game. I have the face paints ready for Lily and the red, white and blue ribbons for her hair.

Although we normally watch sports at Waxy O'Connors, this time we have a new spot. Bigger pub, great food, less crowded. Biddy Early's is about 10 minutes away off of Oakland park, and we thoroughly recommend going there - great atmosphere!

Lily is doing great, she started Gymnastics and T-Ball since we returned and loves being active. Aunty Sandy watched a gym class and said she thought Lily has found her forte! Its great for her to be able to excel at something size appropriate, maybe one day I'll skip out of work a little early to be able to watch her myself :)

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