Sunday, December 16, 2007

Santa Claus came to town early!!

Yesterday morning was the first of our soon to be annual event! Next year we are going to do it not only for our children but for toys for tots too. Some of the mums we know got together and arranged to have a Santa come to a party yesterday and give all the children one gift early. The kids had so much fun and had a really great morning!

Both Lily and Max was so amazed that Santa knew their name and promised to be the on the best behaviour until Christmas!

Can anyone guess who Santa was?


Margaret & Arthur said...

What lucky children. You all have so much fun, wish we were there. xx

Sue Tews said...

I think you have a great idea forming with the Toys for Tots campaign. The children will learn a lot from a collection of toys to be given to needy children..... Wonderful idea. OK, who is Santa???

Belinda and Lily Kai said...

Its Kelly!