Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Big Changes........

Just to fill you in on the changes happening in my life..... I quit my job!

I am still at Crew Unlimited until November 16th and am working out my notice. After 3 years I just really felt it was time for a change. I have very mixed emotions about this but at the end of the day a change is as good as a vacation.

I am sad to be leaving the team, the last three years has been awesome to come to work and get to see my good friends everyday. They have supported me through the worst of times and encouraged me to grow as a person, helping me become the happier person I am today. I will miss them more than they know, but I also know that they will all still be an intricate part of my life still.

Stewardess placement had just become a little stagnant for me so I am off to seek a new challenge. I am not quite sure yet what that is going to be but I have been talking with National Marine Suppliers and it seems that they will be my new company, we are just still discussing the details of which job.

So wish me luck!


Margaret & Arthur said...

Friends you can stay in touch with but now it is time for a fresh challenge in your work.The longer you stay in one place the harder change becomes. Good Luck with the challenge of a new job and with the diet. :)

Sue Tews said...

Good luck in your new venture. I know you will be good at whatever you do. Keep us posted and let me know what your new diet is, I could loose some extra poundage myself. :)

Karen Tews Lien said...

Congrats Belinda! I also want to loose about 40-50 pounds! Let me know of any good reicpes and/or tips you come upon.

Anonymous said...

I am going to miss you so much!I know we will talk all the time but it is not the same as seeing you everyday, good and bad moods for both of us! Thank you fo being my support and a best friend!BOO HOO for me!