Tuesday, September 11, 2007

There's No Place Like Home

We are going home! Milton Keynes here we come!! Lily and I are leaving town on Friday after school and heading straight to Miami International airport. We are booked on Virgin Atlantic flight VS006 for anyone that wants to track the flight. We are leaving at 19.25 and arrive Saturday morning at 8.50am.

The flight is full and so I am sure it will not be much fun but Lily has lots of new games and coloring books to help keep her entertained. She is such a good flyer, and really has enjoyed the experience of travel so far....which is handy as she has been on more planes in her first four years than most people would go on in a life time!

Auntie La La and Uncle Marky Mark are meeting us once we get to London, and driving us the hour to get home to Nanny and Grandad.

We will keep the blog updated whilst we are away, and shall be back to Sunny Florida on October 2nd....hopefully any hurricanes that are going to hit this season will choose to do so whilst we are gone, and not as soon as we get back which is what usually happens :)

1 comment:

Sue Tews said...

Have a wonderful time and give our best to your family. See you when you return. Safe travels.